Best NFT software: where to create and sell NFTs to the beginner

The popularity of NFT-projects is growing rapidly, and people are trying to make money from new opportunities. But some people think that it is too difficult to develop their own NFT, so they do not try to approach it and lose potentially good earnings because of it.

Others, on the contrary, believe that there is nothing difficult in the creation of NFT, so they make a project by the principle of “zap and zap” and encounter a deafening failure. This article will tell you where to create and how to sell NFT to a newcomer, it will help a beginner to get rid of both unnecessary fears and rainbow illusions.

The most important thing about the NFT

  • A Non-Fungible Token is a unique and one-of-a-kind digital asset that cannot be replaced by another. Blockchain platforms allow you to track the history of the purchased asset and confirm its ownership.
  • No two NFTs in the blockchain are the same. Therefore, the value of such digital assets is much higher than ordinary replaceable tokens.
  • You can earn from reselling NFT coins or take part in free token giveaways. However, the most profitable thing is to create your own NFTs.

What can be created as an NFT

You can turn almost any digital object into a Non-Fungible Token, for example:

  • video file;
  • music track;
  • photo;
  • static or animated picture;
  • a book or a fragment of text with information.

There are already known cases when records from social networks, real estate receipts and even the sounds of flatulence were turned into non-exchangeable coins, and then they were successfully sold. So the imagination of the creator of NFT should by no means be limited.

Lucky Block NFT as an example of a successful NFT

As already mentioned, it is important not only to choose the right application to create the NFT, but also to come up with a good idea. If the content is not at least original, no one will pay for it. And ideally, it is desirable to make the collection of exclusive tokens give the owner some special rights and benefits.

The developers of the Lucky Block project – a cryptocurrency lottery in which the winnings are distributed transparently and fairly – managed to achieve exactly that. Only Lucky Block issued 10 thousand NFTs. Of them, 25 pieces account for rare coins.

What a beginner should pay attention to when choosing an NFT-application

NFT creators and retailers should definitely consider:

  • Amount of commissions. Too high commissions can “eat up” all the profits. Therefore, for those who are inexperienced in digital asset development, it is better to choose a network with a small commission.
  • Blockchain prevalence. Cryptocurrency must be popular among the target audience. It is unlikely that a potential buyer will rush to mine or buy an exotic crypto to buy an untapped author’s NFT. That’s why it’s better to choose blockchains that are in demand by users.
  • Number of buyers. It is important for the seller of NFT that the platform is popular among users and conducts a large number of transactions every day. In this case the probability to sell your product quickly will increase.
  • Quality of Goods. If other NFT-platform sellers offer top-notch digital products, an inexperienced newcomer is unlikely to be able to compete successfully. Therefore, it will be great if in the chosen niche the products sold are at least as good, if not worse, in quality.

The best NFT applications for beginners and advanced writers


This platform is one of the pioneers in the field of non-interchangeable tokens. The platform was founded back in 2017. And already in 2022, the monthly volume of trading turnover reached the amount of $3.5 billion.

  • Convenience and ease of operation – it’s easy to make NFTs from scratch and put them up for sale.
  • Lazy minting support – NFT tokens are minted for free at any convenient time.
  • Work with a large variety of cryptocurrencies.
  • Possibility to combine tokens of different sellers into collections, which becomes a kind of mutually beneficial advertising.
  • Various sales options – individually or by bundling several tokens into a single whole, at a fixed price or in a time-limited auction.
  • Availability of a mobile application running on Android or iOS.
  • Lack of ability to purchase NFTs from your phone. To purchase, you need to switch to the computer version of OpenSea. However, you can browse collections in gallery mode from your smartphone.
  • Charging a 2.5% commission on all internal transactions. In addition, the author will have to pay a fee to the blockchain and a one-time payment when first launching NFT in the system.

The process of creating a non-interchangeable token on OpenSea is as follows:

  1. The user goes to the NFT creation page
  2. Then selects which object (picture, audio file, video, 3D image) should turn into a token.
  3. Then in the Name field gives the name, in External link gives a link to your site or gallery, in Description describes the token, if desired, adds labels (eg, about the content 18+)
  4. Finally, the user selects a blockchain (Ethereum, Polygon, Klaytn) and clicks Create.

NFT Creator

This application works for the “apple” operating system. Among the advantages of NFT Creator the authors of unique tokens call:

  • Logical and intuitive interface. Even if the author not only doesn’t specialize in graphic design, but has never been involved in drawing at all, he will still be able to understand the features of the program and create a full-fledged NFT.
  • Great functionality in the free version. Experienced and novice artists can take advantage of various tools – filters, brushes, fonts, a database of cryptographic images, drawing templates, and more.
  • The presence of a layer system. NFT Creator is somewhat reminiscent of Photoshop in terms of its advanced software application. Authors can work with layers, changing photos or digitized works of art layer by layer.

Among the disadvantages of NFT Creator it is worth noting that:

  • The application allows you to create NFTs, but does not allow you to sell them. Therefore, to sell tokens you will have to move to other platforms.
  • A number of features are only available with a paid subscription. Subscriptions are available for a minimum of one week at a cost of $4.

8bit Painter

This is a handy NFT application for Pixel Art fans. In it you can quickly turn any photos and drawings into pixel illustrations.

  • Simple operation. Even a child can understand the program.
  • Training. When you activate the program, you can take an initial training course or practice tracing template images.
  • Stable work on low-power devices. Even if your smartphone is old, the author will still be able to create a full-fledged NFT.
  • Canvas variation – from 16×16 to 160×160 pixels. Smaller canvases are optimal for creating your own illustrations, and larger ones for importing photos and images and then turning them into pixel graphics.
  • Introducing game elements. Many users simply play with 8bit Painter without the goal of creating a unique canvas.
  • The presence of a large number of intrusive advertising. It is possible to turn off advertising offers, but for a fee.
  • No option to sell NFTs.


This app is designed for creating collectible cards in digital form. In NinjaFT you can make, store in a collection, sell, and buy non-interchangeable tokens.

  • In the large number of ready-made templates and high quality images that can be converted into your own unique NFTs.
  • Ease of operation – you can create your first postcard in just a few minutes using the built-in image editor and special effects.
  • In the ability to build collections by grouping cards by sport.
  • The chance to win free tokens (albeit rather small).
  • A specific target audience. The project is of interest only to sports fans and, in particular, connoisseurs of martial arts.
  • A little heavy interface. At first, a newcomer will have to “poke” at different tabs to understand how the application works.


This app is installed under iOS and specializes in NFT coinage. The program works with several blockchains:

  • Ethereum;
  • Mainnet;
  • Polygon Networks.

A registered token is linked to a digital wallet, after which the owner can give it away or put it up for sale.

  • Availability of a full-fledged NFT trading platform.
  • Ability to connect an existing cryptocurrency wallet or use the platform’s storage.
  • Easy to publish a token and the subsequent right to sell it both in NFT GO and on other platforms.
  • An option to browse vast collections of unique tokens for free, to get ideas for inspiration and to see the demand of users interested in buying.
  • The primitiveness of the graphical editor. Create a valuable NFT “from scratch” in the program is unlikely to work.
  • Lack of lazy minting. To mint a token, you have to pay right away, which can be a problem for novice authors.

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